Wednesday, November 18, 2009


HEAR ME, AND HEAR ME WELL!! This may well be the last time I get to speak!! PEOPLE, WE NEED EACH OTHER!!!! I am not a cryer, whiner, or some bleeding heart idiot that you are used to hearing from!! I NEED YOU TO HEAR ME NOW!!!!!!!!

YOUR LIVES AND COUNTRY ARE IN DANGER!!!!! People have turned their backs on their own families, their own blood, their future, and their past!!! All would have been lost, IF BY SOME STRANGE TWIST OF FATE, THE MARINES ON IWO GAVE UP!!!!! We are still here and fighting for you and your children, while our own children are sent to die, like their fathers before!!!! I am not going to take this lying down!! I am about to leave on a life quest and forget everthing for a short time. The LIFE I LOVE, THE PEOPLE I LOVE, AND EVERYONE ELSE CONCERNED, I WILL MISS YOU. I will return eventually. BUT FOR NOW GOODBYE, FAREWELL, adios, VIOS CONDIOS, BIEN VENIDOS, BITA SHEIM, SHALOM, AND SEE YOU ON THE FLIP SIDE!!!!!! CORRECT MY SPELLING IF YOU WISH!!! YET I AM ABOUT TO DO, What should have been done long AGO!!!!.

Friday, November 13, 2009


HOPE AND CHANGE!!! What a lovely thought! I hope that we can change the mess we are in soon!! I am praying that whatever happens, with the state of affairs we are currently experiencing, that we can all see the way back to the light. America for Americans!!! I cannot see any other way except to close the door on the outside worlds and start opening up opportunities here for ourselves and our country!!! It may sound selfish, but we need to do this!
how else will we survive?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Bantu, Ther Lowest of the Low

The Somali Bantu, are the lowest class, or caste, in Somalia. They are the farmers and herders, who are looked upon as inferior by their own people. They are also the primary welfare recipients of Somali refugees in our country. Your local goverment would like you to believe that all people from Somalia were once business owners, but that is simply not the case. They don't want you to know about the millions of dollars going to fund refugee relocation. Your tax dollars at work, paying to bring people here and suck the life out of an already dying welfare system.
Big businesses, like Tyson Foods, capitalize on the cheap labor from these areas and are paid or given tax breaks. This is much less expensive than hiring people from the towns they move the people into, along with their factory. When the townspeople realize what has happened, the company and it's Immigrant workforce just pack up and move to the next unsuspecting little town. The old argument, that these people are doing the jobs that Americans will not do, does not hold true anymore. American workers are not even given the opportunity to apply for these jobs. The workers are already there, and when someone complains, they simply move. At least that was the case in Emporia, Kansas, 1500 jobs, all Somali labor. If you pick a city or town name, for example: Shelbyville, TN. and add Somalis, then click to search it on Google, you will see exactly what is happening. It all depends on the size of the place and the naivety of the people living there, as to how these so called refugees are received. These people(Bantu's) have a history of mental illness and are naturally aggressive in nature. This is unknown to most folks when they first meet them, but it becomes painfully clear, once you have had any longer term dealings with them or near them. many more are slated to arrive, due to the immigration lottery that has been going on, and once they have been granted visas, they can invite they family too!!!
Now isn't that a pleasant thought!!! WE KNOW THIS: Al Quaeda is in Somalia, Pirates are in Somalia, War has been going on for 20 years in Somalia, and now we are going to allow thousands more Somali's into the U.S.A. !!!! Why, So we can watch as the last GOOD and TRUE PLACE ON EARTH GO DOWN THE TUBES. These people destroyed their own country, let them stay there and fix it themselves. WE HAVE OUR OWN PEOPLE IN NEED, OUR OWN DIFFICULTIES TO ADDRESS. AFTER WE STRAIGHTEN OUT WHAT IS WRONG IN OUR OWN NATION, MAYBE THEN, WE MIGHT CONSIDER SOMEONE ELSE'S PROBLEMS!!!!!!! It is time for everyone to realize, that we cannot be a great nation, if we continue to let the people here suffer.
We must help ourselves and heal ourselves before we can be of any help to anyone else.

I don't know, if anyone out there may even agree with me, but the proof is out there, all you have to do is look!!!

Lev Davidson

If nothing is done soon, all may be lost!

I have been reading, and searching, and reading more, so that now I can finally be sure. The state department and your local governments, in their infinite wisdom, are going to throw your world into the trash! The primary reason is greed, money that will be paid to those who, will work to move the worst of the worst into our country. Immigration services, Church organizations, Immigration lawyers, and anyone else who sees a profit, are willing to give what we have worked so hard for, away for a buck! I hope you like Somali's!! Because that is what you are going to be seeing a lot more of!! Not only that, but the lowest of the low, and the worst of the worst!! You will have the priviledge of experiencing what I have. A Mentally Ill, Violent, Agressive, Obnoxious, Animal, or a Herd of them, on your street, in your store, at your local anything to deal with. If the figures are correct thousands will be coming to a neighborhood near you soon. They will look for the highest paying welfare areas and begin to suck the life out of everything they can. Even in Somalia, these are the bottom feeders! So be prepared, they don't want to work, they don't have to, because you will be paying their way!!!! If they do work at all,they will be taking many of the jobs we are fighting to keep, because Tyson Foods and others like them will capitalize on cheap labor.

The numbers and Graphs are soon to follow,

Lev Davidson